I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and is enjoying winter break! I'm doing a bit of rearranging of the blog, so don't be surprised if it looks different. If you'll notice down in the sidebar, you can now add me to your circles and follow via Google+ as well as by email, twitter, and bloglovin! I've also added a contact form to the "Contact Me" page to make it easy to send questions and comments. Don't be shy, say hello! :) Anyway, here are some scenes of Christmas Eve + Christmas Day.
Now nobody freak out, this isn't an engagement ring. It's a ring from my great-grandmother that has been passed down to my sister. I thought I'd do some ring shots, you know, for practice. :)
We were lucky to have an appearance from Mr. Clark Kent himself on Christmas Eve.
Hello. :)
What are some things that have been going on at your house this time of year?