Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Never Say Never

Lately, I've learned I should never say never.

When I was little, my mom would try to buy me jeans from the boy's department as they looked like the girl's jeans and were less money. I would firmly declare that no, I would never, ever, wear boy's clothes. And that was that.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was out shopping and found a green, oversized hoodie that I really liked. It was on sale! However, it was in the guy's section of the store. But I really liked it and it didn't completely look like a men's sweatshirt, and it was on sale!

So I bought it. And I have worn it several times and love it (but I do have a fear of wearing it somewhere and seeing a guy wearing the same sweatshirt. You'll definitely hear about it if that happens.).

Even more recently, I have become a fan of Doctor Who. More like a slightly big fan. Or maybe a bit more than slightly.

For the last couple years, the British show has become quite popular and I never was interested in it. I saw all the promotional stuff out in the stores and just thought it was some weird thing & I didn't get it.


I bought a Doctor Who t-shirt last week. And I may or may not have, on occasion, starting talking in a British accent. Unconsciously.

So, the moral of this story is to never say never. I'll never do that again.

1 comment

  1. I'm with you there!

    ~ Country Girl's Daybook, recently posted: #whywemarch


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