This summer we have done more traveling than usual. Thus presents my first series of posts, Summer 13 Adventures. Every Wednesday I'll post about our travels or things I've been doing this summer (or at least I'll try. Work and school keep me busy.). Enjoy the first installment!
My dad had a business trip a week ago in Orlando, Florida. Naturally, we went with him and I took pictures of stuff. No surprise there.
The fancy hotel is designed with ocean-inspired decor, like this barnacle light fixture. As Orlando is a popular tourist spot, we often heard people at the hotel speaking different languages. Mostly, we heard Spanish and Japanese.
There is a Starbucks inside the hotel (!). We of course had to visit it and pretend to be all hipster-like with our non-fat, decaf, raw Hawaiian-sugared, iced coffees. Say that three times fast.
More photos of Florida coming soon!